Monday, April 21, 2014

Starting seeds indoors.

This year with the rising cost of garden plants, I decided to start my seeds indoors. As posted in a previous post The seeds were ordered on line from SEEDS NOW. All Heirloom and organic so we don't have to keep buying seeds " HOPFULLY " So far I have planted 3 different kinds of tomatoes "I will list names with produce later" 3 different kinds of peppers, eggplant, and some cold crops. all are doing good except 1 type of tomato and eggplant. Here are some picks.
Just coming up.  I started them in a mix of top soil and aged horse manure , because that's what I had on hand. So I have to make sure they aren't left to dry out . The soil will get hard and the seedlings wont be able to get thru the soil. I keep them on a tray , so I can water them from the bottom every couple days .
 Here you can see they seem to be doing well. P.S. the funny looking thing is ginger.
 As you can see , some never have come up yet. Tomatoes and egg plants. I don't think they will !
 I use paper towels to sop up the extra water , so they don't get to wet. Just because its to heavy and messy to try to lift and pour off. We also hung a $12.00 shop light over them and a clip on light. we also have a small heater under the plants, under the table " my table is a glass table " and I keep the temp VERY LOW and I insulated the table with old bedding ,  to keep them warm for germination. This worded for me. You will need to figure out what works for you.
 Once they all have there true leaves " these are the 2nd set of leaves that each plant forms " They will be moved out side to a small green house, to get hardened off.
  do not leave it unattended ! THIS LIGHT  does not get hot/ hot, it is not for heat, it is for light . I will be planting more plants next week and these plants shown here, will be going out into the small green house. Happy gardening ! T

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Home Made Easter Candy is cheaper.

Happy Easter EVERY ONE......
This year we decided to try making our Easter chocolates/candy. And you know what, It was easy and it was a lot cheaper than store bought. We used almond barks in white and chocolate, and also candy melts from the grocery "walmart". Check them out.
 We made all these for around $6.75, But I already had the almond bark.
 And I already had the candy molds.
 We did some Mint chocolate.
 Some milk chocolate.
 and some peanut butter. see the filled hen on a nest.
 Happy Easter.

Friday, April 18, 2014


Well its official !   I am a chickie momma!
I received my 27 chicks right on time. "I ordered 25" However they did not come from welp poultry as ordered. They would not ship them together. And they said I would have to pay for shipping twice. So ,I ordered from McMurray's Hatchery.  So glad I did. I have 25 still living, 2 did not make it .I don't think I had heat up enough at first. They would have replaced them if I wanted, but they also sent me 2 FREE, so I m ok with that. They always send every one extra so they can share with some one else. That's nice. These chicks are very hardy. I have had them outside already and temp is down to 77 in the baby pool I am Keeping them in already, and they are doing just fine. every time we uncover it they are jumping out ALL OVER the place.  They are soooooo cute ! We are now scrambling to get the coop completed. Also working on adding more beds to the garden. Here are some pics of the little ones.                                                                                The dogs wanted to see.
                                                                                                                           Does not look like 27 chicks , but trust me. There are.
                                                                                                                           Just look at that face!
                                                                                                                           A little rooster
                                                                                                                            They will be so beautiful.
 A face only a mother could love...
 look at those freckles.
 Enjoying the great out doors.
 They took right to the yard.                                     Below. Chuck rounding up the troops.