Tomatoes are doing great ! |
See the yard long green beans. |
We grew cherry,pear,and a few regular tomatoes this year. Tomatoes are every where, behind the rabbit pens,
along the fence lines,3 whole beds full and down the stair rail at the deck and any where else they came up.
Pole beans and bush beans. |
More cuc's and tomatoes. |
Banana and bells with more cuc's. |
Look at that sunshine ! |
Sunflowers with cuc's and corn on the right of wheel barrow, cantaloupes on the left |
Tomato bed. |
Sunflowers, can't wait. |
Cuc's growing up sunflowers and trellis. |
Herbs. |
Mellon patch. |
Pole beans, Oh My. |
Tomatillos. |
Tomatillos with the husk on. and not yet purple. |
Sweet potatoes and flowers. |
Bush beans. |
going up the deck steps.Tom,red cabbage,yard long beans,herbs and flowers. |
Yard long beans growing up close. |
Yard long blossoms. |
Bell peppers are great. Plenty and getting larger every day. |
Sweet pot. patch, planted 28 plants ,5 didn't make it, can't wait to see how many we get! |
Banana peppers every where. |
Reg. tom. |
Yellow pear tom. Low acid and very tasty. |
Beans |
I for got the purple beans, they turn green when cooked. |
And tom. |
side at deck steps. |
Cherry tom. |
Tom. and sweet pot. have joined forces. |
The bell pepper plants are waist high and loaded. |
So are the banana peppers. |
you can see the tom. are as tall as the chicken tractor. And this pic. was taken early in the season. |
I see you!!! |
I'm trying egg plants this year. I planted seven ,I have 4 left. I don't baby anything in the garden, and I don't kill myself over weeds. |
Rutabaga. |
an early pic, rutabagas and carrots planted in edge of bed of peppers. |
Beans at the steps. |
Sweet pot. and tom. |
Bell peppers. |
Tom. |
Harvesting some beans. |
Sauce is in the making. |
Squash patch. |
tiny tom. Soooooo good. |
Squash blossoms. |
Berries !I picked sooo many berries at the edge of our yard this year we where eating them every day and I canned jam. |
This season has been keeping me moving. |
Pear tom. are soo good. We love snacking on them. |
see the yard longs hanging. |
we are picking about every two days. |
lovely tom. |
sweet pot. |
Then two days to deal with it ,then back to pick. LOVE IT. |
OH look, there waiting on me, how nice ! |
Peter Pipper picked a peck of pickled peppers |
It rained so much I couldn't stake the tom. like they should have been staked. BUT I NEVER DO . |
just a lovely view. |
sun flowers. |
mellon patch. |
Reach for the sky. |
Can you see all the beans hanging ! |
tom. at the deck. |
HEY , CHECK OUT MY SCARE CROW, he's a lot scarier when I have time to dress hem. AND that is the garden tour for this year. Next I'll show you what I did with all of the produce. See yah ! T.