Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Vintage Knocks: Calling All Bloggers !

 as talked about the black christmas tree. It really did turn out verry well. Stars,for the lights,angles,pinecones,and the word wish. This year I was sure doing a lot of wishing on a star and praying .

It was the frist time in my life when i realized, Christmas had lost it's magic ! I ALWAYS ALWAYS, LOVED CHRISTMAS ! Or , did I only just beleave it was Christmas that I loved so much. I come to realize it was the Company. The loved ones that always depended on me to dec-the-halls ( and every other room in the house ). I totally lived to make them smile, to give them that twinkle of  lights reflecting in the eyes of my mother and my aunt. It would always make them feel so good. Listening to them tell me I had missed a spot or that something was cock-eyed,as they would put it. 11 rooms, including the hall. all had a tree , all in its own color and style. 2 to 3 weeks of none stop decorating,just to light up thire eyes and make them smile . Of course, no one had to twist my arm. I have always enjoyed decorating for christmas. But once my kids had grown up to the age where they didn't seem to care if the house was decorated or not ( by thire teens ,they would run like the dickens novel reads if I just hinted about decorating ) so i admit ! It was nice to have some one who enjoyed it once agian. My aunt patty and my mom above,(left -right). Tighter than 2 peas in a pod, yet different as night and day. My aunt patty is still with us, We lost mom. I miss her so much. I would call her cell phone all the time, just to here her voice agian. The phone has stoped working and,well her I am , probably telling no-one all about them. It helps ! and so here are some more pic's. Till next time.

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