Do you know what these are ?

I'll give you a hint , My husband named them- Thanksgiving, Christmas and Pot pie. We Started out with 3and our dog "Piggy " got into where they where being kept and killed them. So we had to start all over again. I believe them to be broad breasted whites. and there are 3.My husband made them a turkey tractor, we just move it across the lawn as needed so they can free range along with there feedings. Turkeys eat A LOT ! Some thing like twice there own weight every day. See the tractor below. Hey there's 4 turkeys in there ! HAAAA just kidding, think one is my hubby.
Two removable latters " opposite sides "
An up stairs , so they can put them selves to bed.
Strap to pull, when moving.

nice size.
looks nice. Again, the roofing material ,from our son jess. Thanks Jess.
YES ! That is a Rabbit you see in our yard. That's Jack " short for Jumpin Jack Flash" He comes out of his cage in the mornings while I feed, he never goes very far and he gets along with the chickens ,turkeys, even the cat. He's on the "TABLE" list, if you know what I mean, but I don't know ! He's kind of growing on me .....
Its a little crazy around here at times. Wouldn't have it any other way. T.
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