Meet Red. Red is a LARGE rooster, and he is in jail right now. Why you might ask would he be in jail ? 
Well, Old Red doesn't like to play well with others. He likes to fight the other roosters and that upsets the Girls "the hens ".
Now in this Pic. above you can see 2 other roosters(at bottom right)black and white, this is Kellogg, and at the (top left) met Romeo , so full of colors. Now these kind of get along. That is they are both in the same pin yard and same coop at night, but Romeo rules the roost. Because Kellogg is willing to let Romeo rule he is some what left alone. That is as long as Kellogg doesn't try to have his way with the ladies, he's ok.
Now as you can see, the girls look a little worst for wear, do again to 3 roosters and only 8 hens. So they are getting a bit of rest right now. Any way, that's what lead us to believe we needed to add on.
So, this is the 1st coop. Feed and supplies were keep in the middle section and rabbits in right side, chickens in left. And this worked fine. Until, our lovely ladies started hatching chicks. Yes . Yes. Yes. I love those girls. we have 7 maybe 10 at the moment hatched " soooo cute " anyways we have to go and take the chicks from the hens because they nested up too high and the chicks have no way of following momma around. Its working out ok. How ever we would much rather momma do to deed. makes for stronger, healthier chicks, more likely to raise there own and they don't have to be reintroduced to the flock again.
My husband building away. We are taking care to make sure they have sun and shade when they choose.
The back view of old coop.
This is the door to let them out every day, its a mud flap added to a piece of board. Beep Beep !
Digging the holes for the fence. Forgot to tell you . We are expanding the run also.
Just look at their view.
Getting ready to put up the chain-link fence.
This is metal shelving our son Jess brung us. We will be making a gate out of them.
One gate panel on.
Chuck finishing up the fence. Below the gate is up and a homemade latch bar installed. Waste not, Want not.
AH, see the babies ! We have other babies also, next time. T.
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